Riley Banks - Author |
Without further ado, let's get down to business and find out
more about Riley and her wonderful stories.
- Where do you get your ideas?They come to me in all sorts of places. Take The William S Club, for instance. I got the idea for that sitting in a Chinese take away restaurant waiting for my order. I started reading something about the dramatic rise in property prices over the years and my brain started imagining what it would have been like to have bought back before the boom. I started jotting down notes and the book was born. Another book I have on the backburner at the moment, The Pact, came to me when my mother was admitted to hospital with pancreatitis. I did a bit of research and discovered that the ailment usually affects chronic drinkers and drug addicts yet my mother is a complete tea-totaller. From there, I came up with the idea to write about a woman who has survived some of the worst tragedies a family could face and who has watched her daughter ruin her life with drugs and alcohol. She makes a pact with God to take her daughter’s addictions upon herself and as the daughter gradually gets better, the mother grows sicker. It is a story of redemption and love, and how far a parent will go to protect their child. So in answer to the original question, the ideas come from tiny sparks, which I allow to germinate and become fully fledged ideas and plot lines. Often times, if an idea comes to me, I will sit down and write the first couple of chapters based on that idea. I then leave it and go back to whatever it was I was already working on, knowing that those chapters are there, ready for me to work on when I get the chance.
2. Do you work with an outline, or
just write?
A bit of both. I
generally have a loose outline of where I want to go with a story but
I try not to get too bogged down in sticking to the plan. I think if
you lock yourself too rigidly into an outline, your story is in
danger of becoming plot driven rather than character driven. And
sometimes, it is the characters themselves which take us on the most
exciting journey.
3. If you had to go back and do it
all over, is there any aspect of your novel, or getting it
published, that you would change?
If I didn’t hate
writing synopses so much, I probably would have made an attempt to
get a trade publisher. In this instance, I didn’t even try. Just
made the decision to Indie publish it and get on with the job of
writing the next book.
Wouldn’t it be
lovely if we could just hand our books over to a publicist and say,
‘Make me famous’? One day I hope that will happen but in the
meantime, I utilize as many marketing tactics as I can. It does help
that one of my day jobs is in marketing, so I know the mechanics of
writing media releases. Having worked as a journalist in the past,
I’m also quite comfortable approaching the media. One thing people
often forget to do is harness their existing network. I’ve lived in
four countries and have friends all over the world so one of the
first things I did was send out an email to them all letting them
know I’d published a book. I gave them the link and asked if they
wouldn’t mind spreading the word to any of their friends who might
be interested. That simple technique generated a number of sales that
might otherwise have been missed and introduced me to new readers I
would not have been able to directly market to.
Another forum I use
quite heavily is social media. One of the mistakes I think a lot of
people make is to only use social media to promote their work. They
send out dozens of tweets and posts each day, plugging their books
and their websites and their interviews and their ads… ad nauseum.
They never interact on a social level with their follows, forgetting
the key word is social media. People expect you to interact
with them, not just bombard them with advertising material. I take
the time to introduce myself to new followers. Sometimes it takes a
week or two to get back to everyone, and it does take up time, but by
engaging them in conversation, people are far more likely to remember
you and take notice of what you have to say.
I’ve got a couple
of other marketing ideas up my sleeve but I’ll let you know how
successful they are once I put them into action.
5. Can you tell us about your
upcoming book?
The William S
Club straddles a couple of genres. It is a chick lit novel with
elements of drama, suspense, erotica, and action but it ultimately a
6. What project are you working on
I’m wearing two
writer hats at the moment. As R.A. Byfield, I am putting the
finishing touches to book one of The Vampire Origins. As Riley
Banks, I am writing The Expat Wives series about a group of
pampered women living in Dubai. Having been the ‘expat wife’ I am
really excited about this project and have plenty of colorful
characters – some based on real life people – to explore.
7. Do you have any advice to give to
aspiring writers?
Keep plugging away.
Every single author out there started out just like you – a
beginner. And everyone of them had their fair share of rejections,
knock backs and critics. Read up as much as you can on the craft of
writing and read other authors to see what works and what doesn’t –
but please, don’t jump on bandwagons. Forge your own path and be
original. Most of all, develop a tough skin. While I haven’t had
negative comments yet, I am sure they will come. The buying public
can be quite cruel when they don’t like something. Act like a duck
and let the negativity run off your back. My mother had a great
saying – chew the fat and spit out the bones. In other words, if
there is a lesson to be learned in negative feedback, take that
lesson and then get rid of the rest. Don’t let it upset you.
8. How many books have you written?
Which is your favorite?
I’ve got three
completed manuscripts done in addition to The William S Club. I’m
leaving two of them to mature while working on The Vampire
Origins. (Like a fine wine or cheese, I believe all books need
some time to sit and mature – even just a couple of months greatly
improves them because on the next read through, you see things you
missed the first ten times of reading through it). My favourite, so
far, is Vampire Origins because it is the one book I share
with my family. They helped me plot out storylines and work on
characters. In fact, we had some great ‘family meetings’ sitting
around discussing the book series and where it could go. While I love
my Riley Banks books, I can only really share it with my eldest
daughter, as the other two are too young for the adult themes.
9. Is there a message in your novel
that you hope readers will grasp?
I think one of the
overriding themes of The William S Club is that bad things
happen in life. It is up to the individual whether they choose to get
on with life or become a perpetual victim.
Having lived
overseas, I have seen people overcome the most terrible tribulations.
Met people that have watched their entire families raped and murdered
in front of them. Yet despite having survived such a horrendous
ordeal, they are still positive about life and genuinely happy to be
alive. Many of them are trying desperately to make something better
of their live, studying hard to honor their dead family members.
Western society has a terrible habit of looking inwards. We’ve
become a generation of ‘belly button gazers’, trying to find
ourselves, to seek self-fulfillment and self-enjoyment. We are a
society of victims looking to lay blame for our actions on other
Bad things happen
to Charlotte but she chooses to get on with life, to find the
positives rather than focus on the negative. Hopefully more people
are inspired by her to do the same.
10. Is there anything you find
particularly challenging in your writing?
I have a real
problem writing synopses. No problem with writing the book but
condensing it all down to a couple of pages is torture. For that
reason alone, I chose to self-publish so I didn’t have to go
through that torment. One day I’ll face that fear and see if an
agent or publisher is interested in picking up my work. Otherwise,
I’ll keep slogging on being an independent author.
11. Do you have any pets that keep you
company when you write?
Ah, yes. We have
three very spoiled pets that we shipped back from Saudi Arabia with
us. Two golden cocker spaniel dogs who sit at my feet while I write
and a street cat we rescued in Riyadh who often tries to lay across
my keyboard. In fact, Bear, the cat, has already ‘forced’ his way
into Vampire Origins as a character.
12. Do you have a favorite quote?
The quote I live my
life by is ‘Do what you enjoy and it is less like work and more
like fun’. No idea who wrote it or if I just made it up myself but
it is definitely my motto in life.
13. Where can people buy your books?
The William S
Club is available as both a paperback and ebook through Amazon,
Smashwords, Sony, Diesel, Apple, Barnes and Noble and a number of
other retailers. For more details, go to
Happy to do discounts for book clubs or other bulk purchases.
Thanks so much, Riley! It's been an absolute pleasure getting to know a little about you as an author.
For all you readers who wish to learn more, or read about The William S Club, you can get in touch with Ms. Banks in a number of ways. See below:
Riley Banks (Author of The William S Club)
AKA Rebecca Byfield (Freelance Journalist and Author of The Vampire Origins) profile/view/aussieicon rileybanks rebeccabyfield vampireorigins AuthorRileyBanks VampireOrigins show/13011420-riley-banks 3991940
AKA Rebecca Byfield (Freelance Journalist and Author of The Vampire Origins)
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About the interviewer: Dee Ann Waite is the author of The Consequential Element, a fiction based on fact, which is due to be released the end of Decenber 2012. She is a passionate writer, an avid reader, a semi-pro photographer, and lover of life in general.
Ms. Waite is a poet and freelance writer, and has written several tense and emotional pieces of work. Many of her main characters are women who struggle through the pains and sufferings of life, but somehow manage to come through as victors, not victims. They wear their battle scars proudly, and they learn to see life as half full... like Dee Ann.
Ms. Waite is a poet and freelance writer, and has written several tense and emotional pieces of work. Many of her main characters are women who struggle through the pains and sufferings of life, but somehow manage to come through as victors, not victims. They wear their battle scars proudly, and they learn to see life as half full... like Dee Ann.